Titiana, 25 anos de idade, Estados Unidos da América, Chicago
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Informação principal
Primeiro Nome: Titiana
Idade: 25
Localização: Estados Unidos da América, Chicago
Signo do Zodíaco: Leão
Peso: 57kg
Altura: 170cm
Cor do olho: Castanho
Cor do cabelo: Preto
Tipo de corpo: Atlético
No seu corpo há: Piercings
Frequência que fuma: Nunca
Frequência com que bebe: Ocasionalmente (Socialmente)
Seu tipo de atividade: Eu gosto de acordar cedo
Com informação:
Russo 5 (Fluente)
Estado civil: Solteiro
Quer filhos: Sim
Você concorda em se mudar?:
Eu concordo em permanecer em minha cidade
Eu concordo em me mudar dentro de meu país
Eu concordo em me mudar para outro país
Suas prioridades na vida:
Família, relacionamento fixo
Sua renda: Renda fixa baixa
Na minha propriedade: Um apartamento, Um carro
Onde você vive?: Eu alugo um imóvel para morar
O que você pensa sobre despesas de viagem e de encontro: Não estou disposto a pagar
Educação: Phd/pós-doutorado
Profissão: Comunicações
Qual religião você pratica?: Pagã
Meu parceiro
Idade: 30 - 60
Peso: 52.21 - 79.45 kg
Altura: 175 - 211 cm
Está okay se eles tiverem filhos?: Sim
Fuma: Ocasionalmente
Bebidas: Ocasionalmente (Socialmente)
Preferência étnica: Qualquer
Hobbies e interesses
Eu curto jardinagem?
Eu amo jardinagem
Eu curto fazer compras de mercearia?
Eu gosto muito disso
Eu curto outros tipos de compras?
Eu gosto muito disso
Eu curto cozinhar?
Eu realmente curto cozinhar
Com que frequência eu gosto de sair?
3-4 vezes por semana
Eu curto jantar fora?
Eu gosto muito disso
Quando se trata do dinheiro
Eu gasto um pouco e guardo um pouco
Me descrevo em uma festa como um(a)
Isso depende. Eu estou convidado?
Mantenho meu espaço
Não é perfeito, mas quase
Idealmente, eu gostaria de viver em um(a)
Casa na praia
Preferência por animais de estimação
Eu tenho Gatos
Que tipo de programas de televisão eu mais gosto de assistir?
Mistério/suspense, Filmes, Comédia, Ação/aventura
Eu curto passar o tempo livre
Fazendo algo atlético, Lendo um bom livro, Lanchando com um amigo, Com a família, Brincando com meu animal de estimação, Fazendo compras, Fazendo coisas aleatórias no jardim, Cochilando, Assistindo TV ou um filme
Atividades que eu curto
Canoagem/vela, Acampamento, Pescaria, Caminhadas, Dança, Jogging/corrida, Natação, Passear, Andar de cavalo
Esportes que eu curto assistir e/ou jogar
Beisebol, Basquetebol, Futebol americano, Hóquei
Formas de entretenimento que eu curto
Concertos, Eventos de moda, Jantares finos, Música Pop, Navegar na web
Outros hobbies ou interesses
Família/crianças, jardinagem, fotografia, compras, viagens, ioga
Respostas para algumas questões
Como você se descreveria?
A passionate, adventurous, and kind-hearted person with a love for exploring new places, trying new things, and connecting with people on a deeper level.
Como você descreveria seu parceiro ideal?
Someone who is kind, intelligent, has a great sense of humor, is open to new experiences, values communication and honesty, is supportive of my goals, and shares similar interests, allowing us to have meaningful conversations and adventures together while also respecting each other's individuality.
Se você soubesse que o mundo iria acabar em 30 dias, o que você faria?
Spending quality time with loved ones, expressing gratitude, pursuing meaningful activities, making amends with those I've wronged, and embracing experiences that bring me joy, rather than material possessions
Se você tivesse 10 milhões de dólares para gastar, o que você faria com isso?
Well, if I am going to die in 10 hours, then I have no reason to bother wasting $10 million . I would rather donate it to several charities, where it would help others.
Quantas vezes, e de quem você pede conselhos?
Depends what I'm asking for help with.
When it comes to normal every day things, I really dont mind. Yeah, I like to do things myself, I find that I get better results if I do things myself, but I have absolutely no problem asking for help.
When it comes to big things, important, or sensitive things, then that's different. I go to the people I trust. I'm extremely lucky to have such amazing friends and family that support me when I need it. So going to those people makes asking help easier.
Asking for help is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. Just remember that you have to return the favour and help others when they ask for it.
Qual qualidade você mais valoriza nas pessoas do seu sexo?
Empathy and understanding
Qual qualidade você mais valoriza no sexo oposto?
Affectionate and sensitivity
Qual é um evento recente proeminente em sua vida, e como isso te afetou?
When I was 11 years old, in 2009, my parents split up. I went to a Catholic grade school and NOBODY’S parents were separated or divorced back then. As I remember it, my Dad was suddenly gone, without explanation and my Mom was flinging things across the room and screaming at my Dad although he wasn’t there. It was a situation where I knew to keep my mouth shut and try to get through it. I didn’t dare ask my Mom where my Dad was, and I never did ask for any details.

As a result, I became very depressed, before depression was even a thing. I missed a lot of school due to “stomach aches”. Kids bullied me for 3 years, although at that time, it was called “teasing” and no one did anything about it. You just had to get through it. One nun, who was my 6th grade teacher and a very angry, repressed person, flung me into a wall because the class bullies were throwing spitballs at me yet I was the one punished. In 8th grade, my great-grandmother passed away at the age of 110 (really). The funeral was out of town and I was out of school for 3 days. My 8th grade science teacher wanted to know what my big excuse was for being absent THAT time. I told him.

I couldn’t wait to get out of grade school and on to high school, and I did better there, but was extremely sensitive to the normal criticizing that almost all kids experience. When I was in 10th grade, my Mom suddenly said to me “I need you to go to divorce court and be my witness”. In those days, there wasn’t any such thing as no-fault divorce, at least in my state. You had to blame somebody to get your divorce. This was the moment I learned that my parents weren’t already divorced. I never knew, nor did I want to ask Mom who would unleash more fury about my Dad. I just lived in confusion.

As a result of all this, I grew up to be an extremely insecure person, never feeling like I was a part of anything, never feeling I mattered to anyone.

Amazingly, I’ve been in a very happy marriage for the last 28 years, although it took me 2 tries to get it right, and I thank God every day for finding this man. First husband didn’t find me worthy and left me for a woman we had both worked with who was “more fun”. At the time, I felt I had been abandoned again, and was in a tailspin for several years, but time has taught me that I was lucky in the long-run.

Over the years, I’ve been able to figure out a few things about what went wrong with my parents. Mom was ALWAYS right. It was her way or the highway. Dad was a mild mannered guy who wasn’t the best at helping around the house. Mom could find something wrong with anything. She wouldn’t discuss anything, she would say “You’ll do that over my dead body”, or “Don’t you dare” or some other threat. And looking back, that’s how she was with everybody.

Dad did show back up in my life when I was around the age of 14. He took me to Father-Daughter Dinner Dance (what a thrill for me!). As soon as I got my driver’s license, I drove 45 minutes every week to see him, and I had a good relationship with him till the day he passed away in 2015.

Everyone has their story, happy or sad. This is mine. But I do often wonder what I would be like if things had been different.
Os últimos livros que você leu?
Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Você tem muitos amigos?
Quais qualidades você mais antipatiza nas pessoas do seu sexo?
Not strict enough
Quais qualidades você mais antipatiza nas pessoas do sexo oposto?
O que gostaria de mudar em você?
Quais são seus defeitos?
Quais são seus pontos fortes?
Como amigos te vêem?
Como conhecidos te vêem?
Quais são seus jogos favoritos?
Quais tipos de música você gosta?
Any kind
Quais são seus filmes favoritos?
Qual é sua atividade ou hobby favorito?
Qual é seu emprego dos sonhos?
CEO of tech Company
Conte-nos sobre seu parceiro dos sonhos.
Supportive and financially fit
Onde você quer viver?
In the Bahamas
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