Gdzie i jak mieszkasz?:
Samodzielne mieszkanie / apartament
Co myślisz o kosztach podróżowania i spotkań?:
Każdy płaci za siebie
Mój partner
35 - 55
Zachodnia Europa, Ameryka Północna, Australia
165 - 196 cm
Hobby i zainteresowania
Odpowiedzi na kilka pytań
Jak byś chciał(a) się opisać?
What should I tell about myself? I don't even know. It would be better if you asked. Let's do without the banal questions like "hi, how are you". I'm looking for a life partner and a like-minded person. Unfortunately, because of work, I don't have much time to go out and meet someone in establishments. And at my age, it's probably easier to meet people on the Internet. The 21st century makes life easier for single women like me and single men like you. So let's use it!
I am: a beautiful, charming, gentle and docile woman. You are: self-confident, a gentleman, loving and caring.
No abuse, no manipulation. I will not tolerate this, and I myself will not treat my man like this. I need harmony in everything that can be between us
Jak byś opisał(a) idealnego partnera?
I would like to meet a reliable man who knows how to treat a woman. I don't want to waste my time and yours. If you are not a self-assertive mama's boy, then please pass by. Let's respect each other. If you do not know what you want from life - we are not on the same page. If you set goals and do not achieve them - we are not on the same page. If you cannot take on male responsibilities as a man - we are not on the same page. I do not demand much. In my relationship, there is a patriarchy, when a man is a man. Then I am an obedient, airy, white and fluffy bunny
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