Idrotta, Krypa upp med en god bok, Med familjen, Besöker ett museum eller galleri, Komma ikapp med hushållssyslorna, Gå en kurs
Andra hobbys eller intressen
Måla, filosofi/spirituellt, yoga
Svar på några frågor
Hur skulle du beskriva dig själv?
I am good educated. Friends say that I have a rich soul world. I know English well. have healthy life style, don’t smoke and keep good shape bodies. I have quiet character. In spare time like to go on nature, to galleries of paintings. I am divoced 2 years ago. work as manager of sales. well cooking, organise comfort in the house.
Hur skulle du beskriva din idealpartner?
I would like to find man who would become for me very important person for the rest of life. I dream to meet big love, and to have beautiful loving relations based on respect and help each other. I clever and capable person, sociable and affable with people. The family is very important for me.
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av ditt kön?
Intelligence, kindness, cleanliness, good taste in appearance and clothing,
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