Seifenopern, Mystisches und Thriller, Filme, Drama, Dokumentationen, Komödie
Was ich in der Freizeit gerne mache
Mit einem Freund zu Mittag essen, mit der Familie etwas unternehmen, einkaufen, ein Museum oder eine Galerie besuchen, einem Hobby nachgehen, faulenzen, einen Spaziergang machen, unter Freunden sein
In diesen Bereichen bin ich gerne aktiv
Fahrrad fahren
Sportarten die ich mag oder die ich gerne treibe
Kegeln, Golf
Andere Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten, die mir Freude machen
I won't tell about myself how wonderful I am So I asked an ex what he thought my best qualities were, you know, in the interest of maximum objectivity for this profile
Alina is a little rascal you can't take your eyes or mind off once she enters your life. Like a magic potion, problems seem to disappear in her company and you just can't help having happy thoughts. She's fun and mischievous with a zany, offbeat sense of humor that might make you fall over laughing or spit up your coffee. Of special note is her amazing gift for metaphors — whether her own zany creations or those selected from the national repertory — that is matched only by her theatrical imagination and comedic sense of timing. Spontaneous, adventurous, and naturally creative, she really should be on stage or painting murals, but has opted instead to keep a low profile and enjoy life's pleasures in her many charming and discrete ways. Unusual for imaginative types, she also has a keen commercial mind and is devastatingly efficient at achieving her day-to-day goals. She thinks faster on her feet than most street hustlers, and could probably run a fortune 500 company while still managing to get in her 12-hour beauty sleep every night. Don’t get in her way and, most importantly, understand that there is no way to outfox this fox, so don't try. Instead, enjoy her delightful company and refreshingly fun and simple answers to life's bullshit. She also makes a chicken salad that you don’t want to miss.
Wenn Sie 10 Millionen Euro zum Ausgeben hätten, was würden Sie damit machen?
Invested - education, health, buy a land, travel
Wie oft und wen fragen Sie nach Rat?
Time to time, despite my life experience and self-confidence, I prefer to hear mature person's thoughts. Advices helps when you're have doubts.
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